- Join Dr. Mowat and colleagues for a discussion on dog vision (free, streamed on zoom, registration recommended): March 8th 2025 at 10am central time: https://vision.wisc.edu/vision-at/
- Read our news stories about dogs and how they interact with screens: Wisconsin Public Radio, VIN news, National Eye Institute, Vet Practice, Newsweek, Psychology Today, CBC Radio, WORT Radio.
- Read a press release about when we began our dog citizen science TV watching project
- Dr. Mowat is featured on the PetAbility podcast
- The Mowat lab is dog walking for vision research! Donate NOW!
- Dr. Mowat is featured on the podcast “Your dog wants you to know this”
- Mowat lab moved to UW-Madison – January 2020!
- Freya Mowat receives NIH Career Development Grant
- SARDS dog owners – participate in citizen science through an online survey
- Mowat lab publishes study on treatment of SARDS
- Mowat lab receives ACVO VAF grant!
- North Carolina Red Wolves and retinal disease
We are seeking motivated students to join the Mowat Lab! At this time, we are seeking either:
- Undergraduate students interested in veterinary medicine, human medicine or ophthalmology-related careers
- Ophthalmology residency trained individuals are encouraged to contact Dr. Mowat to discuss fellowship opportunities.
If you are interested to know more about the lab and enquire about possible opportunities, please contact Dr. Freya Mowat.